Red Hand Roleplay

WMoT Session 20 Pt. 1 - Wrapped in Funeral Clothes...



Hello you wonderful people out there! A Brand New session of the West Marches of Thule coming at you! This is the big one, Session 20 where Ludmila Paavu, Keflex, Zorathil and Cuthalion, are carrying the body of Tor all the way out to The Modrigan's Lair out in a land translated as the "Fen of Memories". Whatever foulness awaits them is sure to shake them to the core. These are the last two weeks for the Waterdeep: Dragonheist mega stream on with our buddies @variantroles! Things are ramping up and these people that are playing these games are 100 percent pros! (No, really, we have had a fair amount of professional artists, writers, actors, and more!) Shoot us a line and follow us on our twitter @redhandroleplay, we want to hear from every single one of you and speaking frankly we want to reach as many people as possible to spread our little story here.  Thanks to Alison for editing this episode and many others. Theme is by Breck McGough, incidental music from Tabletop Audio. Thank you all and