Mess Hall Podcast

180 Aero-rific!



Welcome to the Mess Hall Podcast, part of the Alberta Podcast Network, Locally grown. Community supported. Avery and Lena try four types of Aero bars: golden, Black Forest cake, tiramisu, and chocolate mousse.  Our bonus item brings us back to '90s lunches: Duncaroos.   Follow us and send a message at: Twitter @themesshallpod Facebook @messhallpodcas Email With warmer weather comes yardwork. And lots of it. Prune your trees and shrubs, clean your eavestroughs, replace those drafty windows you noticed over the winter.  Or, you can call Rümi to take care of all your outdoor and indoor spring home maintenance while you fire up the BBQ and relax.  Visit or call 1-844-777-7864 and let Rümi’s trusted local experts take care of your yard, so all you have to do is enjoy it.  With Pod Power, our sponsors are making it possible for us to amplify the voices of Albertans and Alberta podcasters. This episode, Edmonton Community Foundation is helping us give a Pod Power shout out