Just Fix It In Post: The Official Podcast Of Firehouse Creative

S1 E3 - Commercial (Work)Flow w/Ben Consoli



In this episode we hear from New England commercial director and host of The Go Creative Show, Ben Consoli. Ben talks about working on client relationships, commercial pitching, and why you should make life choices based on the porn industry. Give Go Creative Show a listen, you’ll be glad you did. Ben’s Website: http://www.benconsoli.com Go Creative Show: http://gocreativeshow.com Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/benconsoli ------- Firehouse Creative: www.wearethefirehouse.com On Instagram: www.instagram.com/firehousecreative On Twitter: www.twitter.com/firehouse_ca On Youtube: www.youtube.com/wearethefirehouse Like, Review, and Subscribe!