Just Fix It In Post: The Official Podcast Of Firehouse Creative

S2 E3 - Going Deep, Man w/ John Paul Summers



This is episode 3 of season 2! Today I have Director of Photography, JP Summers. JP and I dive deep into the existential questions that haunt filmmakers like “does my work have meaning”, “is social media ruining my expectations”, and “why is my focus always soft”. JP is a deeply empathic and sensitive human being who pours himself into every project, and I’m glad to call him a (long distance) friend. 

 PLEASE support the final days of his Kickstarter for “Sunday Girl”, his new feature film. There’s only a few days left, and every bit counts! I was the first backer for the project, so let’s give him a Just Fix It In Post final push! 

To back the project: www.SundayGirlMovie.com JP’s site: www.jpthedp.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/jpthedp ------- You can find Just Fix It In Post on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever else you prefer to listen.
 Firehouse Creative: http://www.wearethefirehouse.com On Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/firehousecreative On Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/firehouse_ca On Y