Just Fix It In Post: The Official Podcast Of Firehouse Creative

S2 E5 - Studio Stills For Marvel And Beyond w/ Matt Kennedy, SMPSP



(This episode was recorded on July 19th, 2019) This is episode 5 of season 2! Today’s guest is Matt Kennedy, Unit Still Photographer for major feature films such as Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Fate Of The Furious, The Purge, and Star Trek: Picard. We talk about what it’s like shooting huge studio projects, the difference between Unit Production Still and BTS, how production photos get used in marketing, and much more. I love doing these in-person interviews because they flow so much more naturally, and I especially loved talking to Matt and picking his brain as this was a lot of new information for me as well. Also I downed a giant iced coffee before the interview so enjoy! Matts’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/kennedystills