Tracy's New York Life

My Heart's Not in It | Tracy's New York Life



I've watched the world-famous Rockettes perform several times over the years, but my history with Radio City Music Hall runs deeper than sitting in the audience at the "Christmas Spectacular." Long before I lived in NYC, I was a young, aspiring ballet dancer and spent a day auditioning in a dance studio at Radio City. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? Sounds is the keyword here because if I'm honest, the experience wasn't too exciting, but rather stressful, exhausting, and disappointing. In this podcast, I talk about that day – having the opportunity to audition for one of the greatest shows in one of the most spectacular theaters in New York City. The outcome wasn't the usual, "I got the part," or "I got cut." But, that audition taught me valuable lessons – especially one in particular – that I have taken with me on life's journey. And that's to recognize when my heart's not in something. If my heart's not in it, then it's probably time to shift my direction or walk away. I continue to carry that sentiment with