Rob And Drew Electric Boogaloo

Bonus Episode 1 Bioshock Movie, Logan's Run Remake & Bryan Singer Rumors



The first bonus episode recorded because the Bioshock episode went way off track. It is weird though that we ended up posting bonus episodes record after this one first. Anyway this delves into the development hell that the Bioshock movie (which would have been directed by Gore "Pirates of the Carribian" Verbinski)went through and led to it's eventual cancelation. Then we veer off into talking about attempts to remake Logan's Run with the like of Bioshock's Ken Levine trying his hand at writing a script for it a couple of years ago and then we talk about the early 00's attempt that Bryan Singer attempted. Then we talk about rumours about Bryan Singer's lack of sobriety affecting his career and how that is the reason for Singer's firing off of Bohemian Rhapsody movie. So we will not discuss those other rumors about Bryan Singer. Anyway keep in mind those are just rumors so don't sue us. Also interestingly enough since the recording of this bonus episode the DGA has rewarded Singer with sole director's credit f