Raconteur Denver

12 - Sam Pike - First Inebriation



Sam Pike on the topic of First Inebriation, recorded at Carbon on July 12. About Sam Sam Pike is a storyteller and podcast host living in Denver, CO. A student of history, he recognizes that seemingly inconsequential events have the ability to shape our culture in profound ways. To better capture these moments, Sam lives and works amongst the subjects of his storytelling—Denver’s creative community. Using audio, video and written word he explores what fuels creative ambition, why people choose to be artists or entrepreneurs, and what can individual’s stories reveal about the larger culture of self-starters. He hopes his work will encourage others to live with greater creativity and a stronger sense of personal freedom. -- Visit raconteurdenver.com to see upcoming events, speaker bios, and more! Raconteur Denver is hosted by Amber Blais and Michael Edwards. This show will always be distributed freely, but we thrive on the generous donations of our fans. If you enjoy the show check out the Raconteur Patreon! Ra