Raconteur Denver

16 - Michael J. Henry - First Adulting



Michael Henry on the topic of First Adulting, from a Raconteur event recorded at The Preservery on September 14th. About Mike Michael Henry is a poet, memoirist, clumsy guitarist, avid mountain biker, and father of two tall daughters. He lives in Thornton, Colorado, and grew up in Buffalo, New York. Over the years he’s worked as a water meter reader, pizza delivery guy, dishwasher, and painter’s helper. He currently serves as Executive Director of Lighthouse Writers Workshop, the largest literary arts center in the Rocky Mountain west. -- Visit raconteurdenver.com to see upcoming events, speaker bios, and more! Raconteur Denver is hosted by Amber Blais and Michael Edwards. This show will always be distributed freely, but we thrive on the generous donations of our fans. If you enjoy the show check out the Raconteur Patreon! Rate Raconteur Denver on iTunes!