They Came From The Silver Screen

Lawrence of Arabia | Episode 8 | They Came From The Silver Screen



Lawrence of Arabia is a film that should not have been made, but the stars aligned again and again so that this film could grace us with it's majesty. Damian and Josh talk about the film, it's grandeur and what makes this film so special. Released in 1962, David Lean's film has Peter O'Toole's first film role which started a wave of Oscar Nominations for him that would make Di Caprio blush as to how O'Toole was looked over again and again. Naturally we go into Black Face in Hollywood and how unfortunately little has changed in 50 years. Josh learns more about Ben Kinsley heritage and takes his foot from his mouth and we start to podcast in a post-Brexit world. Based on the life of T E Lawrence, the caliber in all areas of production is immense, the power of both Peter O'Toole and Omar Sherif's performances are amazing and are not to be missed. Subscribe to us on iTunes, leave us a review and follow us on social media. Twitter Facebook Youtube