Dell Emc The Source

#41: EMC World 2016 Day 1 (Jeremy Burton)



SPECIAL REPORT: EMC World 2016 Day 1.  After thismorning’sEMC World Keynote, I had the privilege to sit down withthePresident of EMC Products and Marketing, Jeremy Burton. Withthis morning’s announcement of EMC Unity, we havesuccessfullyrefreshed all of our major product lines and introducednew productlines in the last 12 months.  All of our productsare designedto enable our customers to take the journey into thedigitalera. Jeremy and I talked pushing the envelope, challengingourselvesand staying focused on the customer.   We talked“DellTechnologies”, how the pieces fit together and theultimatequestion. Is 2016 the last EMC World?  New Era –NewWorld!   See you in Vegas May 8th – 11th 2017. Find out in this Special Episode of EMC The Source.   Be sure to check out the Bonus Video "EMC World Set UpTimeLapse" Don’t miss “EMCTheSource” app in the App Store.  Be sure to subscribe toTheSource Podcast on iTunes or StitcherRadioand visit the official blog at EMC: The Source Podcast is hosted by