Legally Pod: The Law Podcast

Episode 2: Discussing Diversity, with Cherie Blair CBE



In episode 2 of Legally Pod, Rachel and Isabella speak to world-renowned barrister Cherie Blair CBE, QC, founder and chair of international law firm Omnia Strategy LLP. Cherie discusses a topic very close to her own heart: diversity in the legal industry, as well as her own legal success story and her crucial advice for aspiring solicitors and barristers alike. If you have aspirations of becoming as prestigious a lawyer as Cherie, listen to the podcast now. Show notes: 0:20 – An introduction to Cherie Blair CBE, QC, with Rachel Davis 1:58  – When did you decide you wanted to become a lawyer? 4:20 – And when on the journey did you decide on the barrister route in particular? 6.25 – What’s the most interesting case you’ve ever worked on? 10:10 – Being a working mother in law 13:05 – How did you come to found Matrix Chambers? 14:50 – And how did Omnia Strategy come about? 19:56 – Discussing diversity, with Isabella Ford 20:28 – Why is diversity in the legal profession important to you? 21:27 – What is “disruptiv