We're Not All Ninjas: The Podcast

Avengers: Infinity War



We. Are. Not. Okay! We talk about the latest Avengers installment.  Rachel cries it out, Melissa lives in corrections corner, and Alex is plain mad. Is Wong a stereotype? Is Mantis more than meets the eye? Is there gonna be an Amadeus Cho movie? Find out in this episode! Spoilers start at 13:27 We also breakdown the Crazy Rich Asians trailer and Black Panther.    Keep It (43:47): https://crooked.com/podcast/kanye-dont-impress-much/ Mantis and her original portrayal: https://www.polygon.com/2017/5/17/15624888/guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-2-mantis-wrong  Mantis and Submissive Asian Women: https://www.bitchmedia.org/article/asian-women-abuse-in-science-fiction