Girl On Purpose With Vivian Tenorio

023: Veronica Bosgraaf, Founder of Pure Bar



When my daughter was six, we went to a petting zoo. At the dinner table, she made the connection between the chicken on her plate and the animals that she had held. It was then that she made the decision to become a vegetarian . There clearly was a lack of healthy vegetarian snacks in grocery stores, so we decided to create one of our own. Our requirements were stiff. We would only use real ingredients, organic fruits and healthy nuts untouched by harmful herbicides and pesticides. No refined sugars, no chemicals, no genetically-modified stuff. We wanted ingredients rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and omega-3 fats. Most importantly, it had to taste amazing. On Today’s show Veronica will share: - How and why she started her business - How she found manufacturing after a year of having no luck - How changing her packaging increased sales by 20-30% - Why social media is so important for her business -How she works with bloggers to help spread the word - Plus much more...