Inner Chief Podcast

102. High Performance Teams - Part 15 - Rituals and Traditions



For more info check out Our High Performance Teams series now enters part 15, where we finalise the 5 key elements that drive a High Performance Culture, namely the rituals & traditions of the team. We cover how to overcome those periods in work or business life when it has become a bit soulless, a bit toxic and is all work, and no play. One of the best ways is to use rituals and traditions to create meaning and a sense of belonging to your team and get the trust back on track. In this episode, I outline: The history of rituals and traditions and why they are so important, no matter the context; When rituals and traditions take on a negative form and what good ones should look like; 6 topics that will guide you around rituals and traditions and some really great, specific examples; How it's important to remember that you are the chief story-teller and your team will look to you to create rituals and traditions that energise them and ultimately will drive high performance. Stay