Safety On Tap

Ep040: Bullying as a risk and an opportunity, with Catherine Mattice



  Last episode, (#39 with Carlo Capponecheia) was all about an elephant in the room - psychosocial risk.  Poorly understood, seemingly complicated, often this is put in the 'ignore basket', or the 'too hard basket', or the 'that's HR's problem to deal with' basket.  Far from a criticism of all of us working in health and safety (me included), it was a reflection on how what got us here (in terms of our knowledge and our experience) won't help us get to where we need to go.  I personally got a lot out of the interview with Carlo as I sought to improve my understanding, and then to explore what I implore you to do every week - HOW to take positive, effective and rewarding action.   This week is in a very similar vein.  Bullying you could argue is one kind of psychosocial risks, but I don't think it fits neatly into just that category.  Nonetheless, it is a risk, it needs to be managed, and it holds great potential to bring positive change in organisations far beyond just solving a negative problem.  My guest to