4 Color Flashback: The Superhero Re-watch

Spider-Man 3! The Post Watch!



Today on the MJ Apologist: Spider-Man 3 The Post Watch! Music: www.bensound.com   Can the team shower the stench of this movie off? Ursula and Bernard return! Cainim's dyed-hair history. Yellow and Blue make Green! Comic Book Club histories! Green Lantern! Hal Jordan versus Kyle Rayner! Black goo! MJ hatred! MJ Love! Cainim the Mary Jane Apologist! The Lizard! Why Peter can't have nice things! Do people get less dorky as they age? John talks romance! Separate lives! Middle school romance! Evil Things! John hates Retcons, all of them. Cainim hates them less! How much Back story is too much backstory? Cainim thinks Karen watched a different movie. The hero motivational speech. Soap Opera Amnesia! General Amnesia! Why did Cainim write "Is the Beauty Here?"? Cainim loses the plot. Ursula Radwanska's Dad or Uncle. Are you a Peter or a Mary Jane? Crane Attack! The opposite of Eric Forman! Fun Facts about the Ithaca Comic Book Club versus the Seattle Hockey Club! The two worst bosses ever! John listens to Cainim's f