Salesfounders - Startup Sales Strategy, Venture Capital, Entrepreneur, And Sales Development

027: Building Your Startup Dream Team with Nicole Wipp



Burnout can be a major problem for entrepreneurs . In spite of a seemingly limitless supply of automation tools, entrepreneurs still over-extend themselves to the point of exhaustion. Every entrepreneur needs help, and specifically, the right help. Meet Nicole Wipp - entrepreneur and small business consultant whose speciality is helping entrepreneurs create powerful teams. Leadership requires a very different mindset than entrepreneurship and on this episode, Nicole shares 5 strategies that will help you develop and lead a world-class organization. There's a good chance your next hire is the not the right hire. ON THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: Why the majority of entrepreneurs burn-out before they find success The power of "letting go" to realize sustainable growth Why entrepreneurship and leadership can create conflict with each other Self awareness and the importance of knowing your strengths Developing your own hiring plan that complements your weaknesses. How to find the best people for your business and re