Elliott Wave Weekly Podcast

Trump, Puerto Rico & Stock Volatility



When Donald Trump announced he was running for president in June 2015, many traditional pundits and political commentators brushed him off. Now, ten months later, much of the establishment is reeling: Donald Trump has essentially clinched the Republican nomination. In this new interview, Robert Folsom explains how Trump rode a wave of negative social mood to the top. Our next interview is with Brian Whitmer, one of our emerging markets experts. He talks about the Puerto Rican debt crisis and explains why the country's recent default "was not a surprise" to him and others at EWI. Take a listen to learn why he thinks this debt crisis is not stopping anytime soon. Last we hear from Bob Stokes. Periods of low stock market volatility are usually followed by high volatility. On March 18, volatility was non-existent. Since then, volatility has jumped. Learn how  you can prepare now for "head spinning stock market moves."