Home Repair Tutor

271: Curbed or Curbless Showers?



Should you install a curbed or curbless shower…this all depends on your existing shower and bathroom layout, so today we discuss when you should opt for one or the other and why.   ALSO: what kind of paints are great for the bathroom…especially if you’re concerned about hiding drywall imperfections.   And believe it or not there’s a paint that can kill infection-causing bacteria for up to 4 years!!!   We answer the QOTD from yesterday’s show…   Here’s today’s QOTD: Abraham just bought  a new clothes dryer…he’s got to vent it to the exterior…what kind of tubing or pipe should he use, why?   Tomorrow’s podcast will have the answer.   Getting this answer right could help save you from a dryer lint fire, which happens over 15,000 times each year in the US, believe it or not.   Darn dust bunnies.   2 Days left until the latest Bonuses disappear from Bathroom Repair Tutor.   Enroll by March 1st to get all 3 Bonuses   Why?   The bonuses will make you bathroom remodel go faster, easier, and be less overwhelming ;)