Success Charger With Scott Cooksey

Ep 12 - Craig Price - Why Negativity Matters for Sucess



Craig Price, leadership and negativity speaker, podcaster & Comic-Con panel facilitator trekked over to the IdeaCharger Studios in The Woodlands, TX to talk negativity and why it matters to people who succeed.   QUOTE:  "I want to plow right through any obstacles because I am already prepared for them." - Craig Price STORY: Craig's unique perspective on the world turns many popular views on success around and looks at them from, well, a different angle. One worth a second look!  We cover topics from "unicorn farts" (A technical term....and a first for this podcast) to breaking down how Craig can get past his introverted nature to better maintain lasting profitable relationships with his clients.  CHALLENGE:  Embrace negativity by separating it from the oft-confused concept of fatalistic thinking. CALL TO ACTION: Make it a practice to ask the tough questions like "what would happen if..." rather than just nodding in agreement as quickly.   Listen to Scott Cooksey as he is interviewed about Connection on R