Success Charger With Scott Cooksey

Ep 38 - Why Everyone Should Become A Facilitator - John Verdone - DDI



Even with many years experience developing leaders, John Verdone was struggling to describe just exactly what he did for a living. That is, until one day, when he happened to catch a certain story unfolding on a PBS-like television show and it all clicked.   In this interview, John stops by the podcast to share what a study he commissioned uncovered about what makes a great facilitator, when learning really begins for adults, and why everyone should incorporate facilitation skills to build deeper, more meaningful connections with co-workers, clients and in your life.  Find the full show notes, including a link to the video that inspired John's "a-ha!" moment as well as this interview at ________________________________________________ Host Scott Cooksey works with organizations and top leaders to help them build lasting, profitable business relationships FASTER.  He has lead leadership workshops around the globe since 2009, and regularly speaks at conferences like the last indust