Success Charger With Scott Cooksey

Ep 39 - Your Business Needs a Gut Check - Interview with Lori Harrison - Plexus Diamond Ambassador



Lori Harrison will gladly tell you she had no idea in the world she was building a business when she began sharing her story on Facebook to a bunch of her friends.  Today, she and her husband Jeddie Harrison are at the top of their game in a vibrant and successful business build on...well...southern charm and doing what seemed right. Multi level marketing companies often receive a bad rap.  And while certainly there are some sketchy offerings in the "MLM" space, there ARE in fact several companies that do quite well.  Mary Kay Cosmetics comes to mind as a shining example of proof.   I'm not here to say MLM is right for you.  It may very well not be.  The story I wanted to bring you, though, is one about authenticity, following your heart, and proof that sticking to your guns can make it possible to build a business...even if you don't realize that's what you are doing. For the entrepreneurial at heart, this is a story about "the dream" others around you cannot see.  The lifestyle you know is possible while ot