Startup Sense Podcast

Ep 129: Interview with Gabi Lewis, founder of ExoProtein



I heard about Exo Protein a few months ago from a friend so I decided to look into the company. I'm very much into fitness so getting adequate amounts of daily protein is important to me and millions of others. Exo Protein stands out from the other hundreds of protein bar companies for one main reason...there bars are made from crickets or cricket flour to be more precise. Hundreds of millions of people around the world consume crickets as part of their diet but the idea sounds crazy to most of us however many years ago the idea of eating raw fish seemed crazy and now sushi is one of the most popular foods in the U.S. Exo Protein was started in 2014 and has raised a little over $5 million from some very impressive investors including Tim Ferriss and Nasir "Nas" Jones. Like any other startup the company has faced many challenges not the least of which is educating consumers about the health and protein benefits of eating crickets.  In this interview I spoke with Gabi Lewis, co-founder of Exo Protein about why