Startup Sense Podcast

Ep 185: Interview with Shea Coakley, founder of LeanBox



Americans are eating healthier because we have better choices and we're more educated about nutrition. This is no different for employees that spend 8+ hours a day at their office but don't always have time to go out for food, trek through the parking garage, sit in traffic, and wait in long lines. Why should it take 45 minutes just to satisfy your hunger. Obviously the great people at LeanBox agree which is why they're providing innovative food solutions to hundreds of companies in the New England area. The company is based in Boston with plans to expand to the Chicago area and down the East Coast over this year. LeanBox pivoted from an earlier business model which so far appears to have been the right decision.  In this interview I spoke with Shea about his motivation and vision behind LeanBox, what was he doing before starting this company, how did he build the early team, what was their original business model and why did they pivot into LeanBox, when did they raise capital and what has that funding gone