Startup Sense Podcast

Ep 187: Interview with Tracey Noonan, founder of Wicked Good Cupcakes



Today's guest is a perfect reminder that the American Dream is still going strong. In Season 4 of Shark Tank, Tracey Noonan and her daughter Danielle (from Wicked Good Cupcakes) wowed the sharks with their cupcakes in a jar. After some negotiating the ladies finally did a deal with Mr. Wonderful who offered them $75,000 for no equity but instead $1 for every jar sold until he recouped his initial investment then $.45 for every jar in perpetuity. Their appearance on Shark Tank kicked off a wild 4-year growth story that has led to more than $13 million of sales and a 10x return for Mr. O'Leary. The story gets even cooler for us business TV reality fans because Marcus Lemonis invested into the company in 2014 to help support their rapid expansion plans. In this interview I spoke with Tracey about this amazing story of success, how and when the company got started, when did they decide to apply for Shark Tank, when was the show produced and when did it air, what happened with sales post-Shark Tank, how have Kevin