Mental As Anyone

MAA #002: With Adam Jacobs



Interview with Adam Jacobs, who originally hails from Adelaide, and now lives in Melbourne.  Adam performs comedy and also does some MC work in Melbourne, and occasionally in NSW.  His jokes tend to be one-liners and non-sequiturs, and maybe a comedy song every now and again.  We discuss the pressures of modern life (acronym: POML), OCD jokes, the mandatory Terrible Stage Experience, first experiences of comedy, finding your niche as a comedian, mananging and overcoming stage nerves, positive reframing, post-show reflections, Comedy at the Olympics, marshmallows & fluffy bunnies, comedy as a response to stress, genetically inheriting your sense of humour, sense of humour and sense of self, nuns stealing bikes, PTSD and trauma, Light vs Dark, coping by way of nonsense, catharsis of working with animals, bottle-feeding kangaroos, negotiating a peace-offering with Peggy the Ecelectus Parrot, getting material from a non-existent dog, fake-smiling and Fake It Til You Make It, acting in accordance with your val