Mental As Anyone

MAA #033: With Nadine Sparks



Interview with the luminous Nadine Sparks, who performs stand up, and also character comedy and improv.  Her Fringe show is called Bridesmaid To Be, which is running from now until 2 October at the Courthouse Hotel. We discuss: Nadine’s early comedy influences, the lack of focus on mental health, benefits of writing, The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, the “fat tax” of gym memberships, walking to notice your surroundings, the intuitive treasure hunt, anxiety overseas, displacement, Nadine’s motivation for quitting her addiction, Nadine’s positive experience of support services, the best approach of love and kindness, benefits of tough love, family views on depression and other mental health issues, Nadine’s role-model Mum, benefits of self-kindness, Nadine’s take on the glass half full or empty scenario, Nadine’s super powers, and the benefits of hope and gratitude.