Mental As Anyone

MAA #060: With Kate McPhee (Psychology Miniseries)



Interview with the compassionate and courageous Kate McPhee, who is a General Psychologist with a Masters in Psychology.  Kate works in both an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and in her own private practice called The Very Small Clinic which operates in the inner suburbs of Melbourne ( We discuss: How Kate found the field of Psychology, taking her time with studies, aversion to statistics and diagnoses, advice for Psychology students, the balance between heart-open and self-protection, daily yoga, love of French Earl Grey, her love of the people and learning a lot from clients, the adages of near enough is good enough and don’t let perfect be the enemy of good, swimming vs running, Kate’s shame story, the importance of empathy and connection, the magical mark of 40 minutes for strong emotions to pass, Brené Brown’s video on sympathy vs empathy ( and The Power of Vulnerability TED Talk, the need for shame, Kate’s super power, and her message to connect and find a w