Mental As Anyone

MAA #080: With Deborah Hart



Interview with Musician, Counsellor and ACT Practitioner Deborah Hart, who also facilitates workshops and teaches music. Deb has many fine strings to her bow and has a lot to share about her career path and mental health journey. We discuss: longing to call herself a Musician while growing up, panic attacks while studying, aspiring to be like (Music Educator and Conductor) Richard Gill, the challenge of nerves in auditions, working in an Orchestra in 1995, seeing a Psychologist and introduction to ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), the prevalence of performance anxiety, the function of a music audition, fear of public speaking, “a lone monkey is a dead monkey”, Noticing and Labelling, flight/fight/freeze/fawn, defining what it means to be a “Good Musician” and teasing out values, burning out and choosing a new career, common humanity, developing skill and getting out of your own way, the I Don’t Sing Workshop, being wired to work together as a tribe, Susan West quote about the more you teach children mu