Mental As Anyone

MAA #093: With Jess Pearman



Interview with Melbourne Comedian Jess Pearman, who has been performing comedy for 3.5 years. Jess was due to perform a coupe of shows at MICF, but as you have probably heard, the festival has been cancelled due to the pandemic situation with Corona Virus.* We discuss: The double-edged sword of comedy combined with mental health, substance abuse in comedy, maintaining mental health by taking ownership and being courageous enough to ask people around you, having a detox/retox lifestyle, self-kindness and reflecting on the bigger picture, a booked called The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, enjoyment of roasting, the pitfalls of putting loyalty before honesty in friendships, putting your ego aside to ask “are you okay?”, being a grateful and happy person, the challenge of finding accurate sources of information, reflections on Feminism, being a “bad person” vs “behaving badly”, the article about neurodiversity and people having/lacking an internal monologue, the benefits of journaling, the maintenance involved in