Mental As Anyone

MAA #098: With Lauren Bok



Interview with Lauren Bok, who has been performing comedy for 9 years. Lauren comes from a theatre background and loves adding puns, mime, burlesque and other fun/versatile skills to her shows. Lauren also runs a comedy workshop program called Gaggle, which is for women and non-binary people because she is very committed to finding more diverse voices for the stage. The next workshop will be at the Wit Incorporated Theatre Company on Sunday 26th July. Lauren and her comedian friend Claire Sullivan host a podcast called Elementary Springfield. Claire did not have access to the Simpsons growing up, so the pair watch and review " golden era" Simpsons episodes to give Claire a proper, cromulent education. Highly recommended listening! We discuss: The benefits of doing a Mental Health First Aid course, the importance of listening non-judgmentally, the impact of the MICF cancellation, cleaning the house = cleaning the mind, the immense satisfaction that can be gained from gardening, views on productivity, the philo