Not Another X-files Podcast Podcast

509. Schizogeny



  This week we pay tribute to teen angst and Mulder's boyish agility! The trees are alive, with the sound of angry dads--it seems. Carolyn and Vanessa view the X-Files through adolescent glasses! Does it smell like teen spirit in here? Download now and don't get trapped in the orchard after curfew! Good news! Thanks to our awesome patrons on, we are getting a new recorder! This will help us avoid audio issues in the future. Season 5 has been a wild audio ride! Thanks everyone for your regular support! Shout out to: Alex, Anna-Karin, Daniel, Erika, Jemimah, Jennifer, John, Maria, Michelle, Monica, Naomi, Peter, Sara, Vicki, and Vin!  On that note, we apologize for audio weirdness this week.