Lean The F*ck Out | Fempreneurs | Women Entrepreneurs | Female Business Owners

EP18: Coworking — An interview with Amy Keys and Barbara Wescott



In this episode, we talk about women entrepreneurs coworking with Amy Keys and Barbara Wescott, the co-founders of Women Wednesdays in Tallahassee, Florida. The two co-founded Women Wednesdays after connecting at a luncheon where they noticed that not many women were taking advantage of coworking and incubator spaces in their community. Women Wednesdays offers a warm welcome for women entrepreneurs into a coworking space and offers an opportunity to learn from one another and connect with other women entrepreneurs at various stages. In addition to co-founding Women Wednesdays, Amy Keys is owner of The Digital Capital Company and Barbara Wescott is the CEO and Founder of Swellcoin.