Lean The F*ck Out | Fempreneurs | Women Entrepreneurs | Female Business Owners

EP81: Taking a Leap into a Creative Career – An interview with Magalie René



In this episode, we talk with Magalie Rene´ about how she went moved from Public Relations into a creative business, and then finally into coaching fempreneurs on finding their own shine. Magalie shares great tips on overcoming fears and taking the leap to find a career where you shine. Episode Highlights: Are you a hummingbird or a jackhammer? https://blogs.psychcentral.com/creative-mind/2015/11/elizabeth-gilbert-on-jackhammers-and-hummingbirds-and-creative-life/ Trust your instinct, follow the breadcrumbs (signs of what you should be doing). Take a chance on things you might not feel are possible; don’t just say no. You have skills from all of your experiences to share, think about how those might be useful for new experiences, even if they aren’t in the same field. Hurdles many of the woman face in running their own business: fear, comparison to others, need for external affirmation or permission, fear of failure and success (fear of judgement) Overcoming fears: awareness, action, accountability Magali