Kevin Ward's Yes Talk | Real Estate Coaching And Success Training For Agents

YesTalk-205 - How to Communicate In A Face-Mask-Wearing, Social-Distancing World



I previously did a video on How to Do a Virtual Listing Presentation face-to-face meetings are still more powerful. Here are 4 key strategies for communicating effectively when you need to wear a mask and practice social distancing when meeting people in person. Pay special attention. Listen extra hard to what they’re saying when they’re talking and they’re wearing a face mask, Speak louder and more clearly. Exaggerate your mouth movements, making sure that you articulate your words. Speak slower so people can understand you. Exaggerate your body gestures. Smile bigger, so they can see how you feel even with a mask because a large part of our communication is body language. Wear a see-through face mask . This makes 2-way communication more effective because you get to see each other’s facial expressions as you talk. Communication is so critical in inspiring people to hire you. Don’t stop connecting because peop