Kevin Ward's Yes Talk | Real Estate Coaching And Success Training For Agents

YesTalk-232 - The Dumbest Objection Handler



Go to to get a FREE copy of the complete Objection Handler for the “Will You Cut Your Commission?” Objection Go to to register for Kevin's upcoming 3-Day Agent Mastery Live 2021. When sellers ask, “Will you cut your commission?”… most agents are taught to say, “No!” But “No” is the dumbest objection handler ever…because.. It creates Opposition rather than Collaboration with the seller. It puts your interest in protecting your commission over their interest which is getting the best deal for their house. It communicates rejection, not value. The better way is to redirect their focus from your commission to what they want (getting the best deal for their house). Here’s how: 1. Acknowledge their desire. “Hey, that’s a great question and I appreciate you asking.” 2. Answer their question or concern. “I really appreciate you asking…I don’t do that, can I explain why?” If you want a FREE copy of the complete Objection Handler for the “Will You Cut Your Commiss