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Ep 53: From Asking For a Helping Hand, to Providing a Helping Hand, Carrie Guarrero's Faith Inspired The Village



The Village in Waterville, MN, comes from the desire for one successful Twin Cities lender to return a favor she received years ago. Carrie Guarrero lived it. 22 years ago she was a single mom with little money for food. Her kids needed to eat, so she turned to a food shelf for help. She was grateful for the food, but will never forget how she was treated as she asked for help. 22 years later, Carrie and her husband have opened The Village, a place for community events and celebration, but more importantly, a safe, non judgmental place for a free meal. Learn about how it all started and get inspired by the impact one couple has made on an entire city. This episode is especially important for all of us who pack every hour of our day with business and family obligations. Sometimes we need to step back and think about our legacy. This is Carrie's...