Animal General With Dr. Mike

Medical Cannabis and Pets



Joining me this week is a guest with an expertise in a current hot topic: medical cannabis. Focusing his work on navigating through the risks to the benefits of this treatment, is Dr. Rob Silver. Dr. Silver will share the history of medical cannabis (including why he prefers to call it this rather than medical marijuana), why it's important to seek veterinary advice and not self-medicate pets, and how it is being used to safely help animals suffering from ailments such as cancer, epilepsy and arthritis. You can get more info on Dr. Rob Silver's work and order a copy of his book, "Medical Marijuana and Your Pet" at You can also check out Dr. Silver's other websites for more information on this topic: and like his page on Facebook, Ask Dr. Mike - You can submit your questions to be asked and answered on a future podcast here! ABOUT THE PODCAST The “Animal General Podcast” with Dr. Mike