Fierce Feminine Leadership

[FFL 11] The Monster That Is Working Mom Guilt



The Monster That Is Working Mom Guilt Welcome back to the Fierce Feminine Podcast! On today’s episode, I will discuss the “dirty little secret” of working mothers: Working Mom Guilt. Working Mom Guilt has a nasty habit of reaching virtually every working mother. I have worked with dozens of working mothers; every single one of them have expressed, at one point or another, that they have experienced Working Mom Guilt at some point in their career. So, today I will share some tips with you on ways you can cope with the monster of Working Mom Guilt. Keep Reading >> Know and Understand that You’re in Good Company Remember that you are not alone! There are a lot of successful working moms feeling Working Mom Guilt. Go for Good Enough Release your intention and need to be a perfect parent. Lower your “mom standards” from being perfect to being “good enough.” Expect Working Mom Guilt to Go for the Jugular Anticipate and prepare for Working Mom Guilt. Realize you can’t be in two places at once – and that’