Fierce Feminine Leadership

[FFL 15] Stop Comparing Yourself To Others



Do you ever catch yourself comparing yourself to other successful people, and feeling frustrated and discouraged that your achievements are coming up short compared to someone else’s? Many – if not most high achieving professional women experience this phenomenon. It’s called “Compare and Despair” and it has reached monumental proportions since the development of the Facebook highlight reel. Keep Reading >> Research shows that most high achievers have a competitive streak, whether in sports, business, or in life in general. While having a competitive edge can be a healthy, positive personality trait to have – it is not when it grows to the epic proportions of “Compare and Despair”. This phenomenon can cause you to significantly inhibit your ability to perform at the high levels that everyone around you knows you’re capable of. In this episode, I talk about the “Compare and Despair” cycle and give you three simple ways to break this career inhibiting habit, move past these negative thoughts, and move forward