Fierce Feminine Leadership

[FFL 175] Getting Brave with Margie Warrell



Courage is the fuel behind the fire of achieving major accomplishments for many fierce entrepreneurs. Without courage, it is nearly impossible to live out your purpose and to live a full, complete, and vibrant life. But all too often, we let our self-doubt get inside our head and overpower our courage – preventing us from achieving the amazing success we were destined for. Keep Reading >> My guest today is Margie Warrell. Margie has been named by The Wall Street Journal as an international authority on courageous actions. She is the host of Raw Courage TV, an acclaimed keynote speaker and guest lecturer at Columbia and Georgetown Universities, and a certified Master Coach. She is also a highly sought-after expert commentator on several leading media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, Redbook, Psychology Today, Fox News, and the Today Show. Her insights on courage, leadership, and business have been shaped by her work and interviews with several highly-respected industry leaders including Richard Bran