Fierce Feminine Leadership

[FFL 185] 5 Strategies to Toot Your Own Horn Without Coming Off As Obnoxious or Braggy



Do you strongly believe that working hard produces its own results and rewards? That if you work hard enough, you won’t need to “toot your own horn” and share your accomplishments with others because, ultimately, your hard work is proof of your success and accomplishments? Keep Reading >> Many brilliant, high-achieving professional women shy away from talking about themselves, their accomplishments, and their successes because they don’t want to come off as obnoxious or leave the impression that they are bragging. What many of these fierce ladies may not realize, though, is that sharing their accomplishments with the world helps them claim their power, their authority, and their voice. So, how can you subtly toot your own horn without coming off as obnoxious or braggy? That, my fierce friends, is exactly what I’m going to share with you today! I’m sharing five powerful strategies to help you share your accomplishments and successes without sounding like you have a chip on your shoulder.   “As you advance, th