Fierce Feminine Leadership

[FFL 293] Marketing 101: How To Get Over Your Fear Of Bothering People



One of the most common fears that prevent truly amazing entrepreneurs from stepping into their power and breaking the glass ceiling is their fear of bothering or “annoying” people when it comes to marketing and sales. They fall for the misconception that if they market their products or services as much as they think they should - they will begin to annoy their audience and potentially “dry up” their sales funnel. Keep Reading >>   On today’s episode, I share why it is critical for entrepreneurs to get over their fear of bothering or annoying others. I explain how the fear of annoying people can actually hold you back from achieving your goals and the importance of understanding that how people feel about what you do to market your business is truly none of your business. I also explain how giving in to the fear of annoying others can impact your ability to communicate effectively and sufficiently as well as why it is critical to consistently promote your business to achieve the success you deserve.       “T