365flicks Podcast

002 Civil War/DC Announce/Ultron Trailer/Marvel Announce



This Episode the 365 Lads go all out on some Geeky Fanboy Marvel/DC news. Talking about the film slate till 2020 for both companies, The Ultron trailer (Looks Bad Ass) and the Civil War Broad Strokes. Let your ears be pleased by the nerd verbal. Would have been up sooner however Marvel Just had to do there big announcement, Hence last minute re-recording...   Like us on FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/365Flickscom Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/365Flickscom Subscribe to The PodVideos on YouTube http://youtu.be/LFxcHvxPj70?list=PLEuZfOXQhFi4mGstfq979dxUICCnuinTN