Fierce Feminine Leadership

[FFL 389] Commitment Exposure



How do you feel when it comes to commitment and risk? Often, the most powerful decisive actions we take come in the face of vulnerability, uncertainty, and potential rejection. Bold courses of action often come at a cost and require opening yourself up. The way we navigate risk says a lot about who we are and our ability to realize our greatest dreams. Avoiding the inevitable risks that come with making baller moves leads many people not to set goals at all, which can be very problematic. Keep Reading >> Today, I define commitment exposure and share ways to approach this concept as you work towards making a baller move and bringing your desired results to fruition. I highlight the tendencies people tend to have related to commitment exposure, including over investing in worst-case scenarios and overstating difficulty, and the importance of shifting your mindset. I also share the importance of being transparent with your team when it comes to your goals, and how observing your relationship with commitment can