
EP38 - Norma Kraft : How to be a great recruiter



Formerly corporate talent acquisition manager,  recently launch her own consulting business as a career coach and strategist. Through her work and her engagement on LinkedIn, Norma helps job seekers improve their resume, strategize their job search and increase their visibility on LinkedIn. With her tremendous experience on the market, her undeniable skills for the recruiting process and her true love of people, Norma really is a top class recruiter! Listen to know more about how she got in the recruiting business and get some useful insights on how to be a great recruiter. What you’ll learn: Norma went to see a recruiter who advised her to become a recruiter herself, which she did and found instant success in that profession. Notable quotes: “It goes down to your ethics and your credibility and your way of operating.” – Norma on the basis of being a good recruiter. “I went in there and in the first month I tripled my income.” – Norma about her first job in a recruiting agency. Show notes: 02:30 – Her bus