Fierce Feminine Leadership

EP441: How to Leverage Social Selling in Your Business



Social selling is one of the hottest trends shaping modern sales. And like any trend, there is guaranteed to be tons of hype, jargon, and nonsense flooding the marketplace. Well, fear not, ladies, because we’re going to be cutting through all that jargon today.  I don’t always hop on the trend bandwagon, but social selling is something I see tremendous value in and have had tons of success with in my business. However, it is not a trend to jump on if you don’t have a few crucial elements in place first. Keep Reading >> If you have no idea what social selling is or you’re confused how to do it well, I’m going to walk you through it all today. I want to take this BS-ridden tactic and make it crystal clear for you to add to your marketing toolbox. I’ll show you how my business uses it and how to find the best way to use it for yours. In today’s podcast, I’m giving you the first episode in my series on social selling. This mega-powerful sales tactic is about more than posting pretty pictures on your Instagram fee