Chorus Voices

49: Teamwork: A circle of kindness



Chorus is a team of kind, caring people. In this episode Dan Minchin and Nikki Drury explore the relationship between teamwork and kindness. Nikki Drury, Co-designer for the Chorus Fresh Approach project, has looked at how we can be kind and relational at work. Building supportive teams that can share ideas, work through challenges and have difficult conversations helps teams flourish. But there are barriers to relational work such as time as funding. “Sometimes having a cup of tea and a chat is much more valuable to a person than making sure the bed linen is changed,” says Nikki. Support workers in the community can be quite isolated and Nikki outlines the importance of debriefing with their team. Getting together. Having a laugh. Sharing the challenging moments. “Even, on paper, a fairly simple task like helping someone with the shower, if their context is so really difficult, that could be a really tough day for a Chorus support worker,” says Dan. The Fresh Approach team ran experiments by creating “huddle