Chorus Voices

54: Forget me not



“On any day there are 20 different things that I could do, but I look forward to coming in and helping with Chorus because it's a delight,” says Bill with a smile. Bill, 78, is a retired teacher of 36 years and now volunteers with Chorus, teaching English at the Chorus Bull Creek Activity Centre. Some of the students have lived in Australia for 20 years or more and speak very little English. Bill explores innovative teaching methods. “I pursue everything that works and I step back from things that don't work,” he adds. Bill starts the lesson by looking at the front page of the West Australian and uses words like ‘happy’ and ‘sad’ to describe the photo of the Megan and Harry interview from the previous night. Bill also runs the Memory Café for people living with dementia. People with dementia tend to be like people with no English,” says Bill. “They're there, but no one sees them, no one knows them, they're isolated.” Dan maintains that social relationships and engaging in conversation can lessen the effects o